Friday, September 3, 2010

So I am no artist... but I tried!

How many times does our ancestor Katherine Constable (paternal grandmother to Dorothty Stapleton Nelson) descend from King Edward III of England and his Queen Philippa of Hainault???  Well I managed to chart it, with all intermarriages (there were way too many) included.  Maybe I'll try to do another one, but this was fun!

Friday, August 27, 2010

I give up

I was trying to sort out how many times Thomas Nelson of Rowley descends from Henry III of England via his children Edward II King of England and Edmund "Crouchback". Wow there are too many lines to document, three genealogy programs I have can't do it and with the intermarriages it makes it ridiculously difficult to sort out. He descends from King Henry III something like 30+ times. This just has to be the line to beat all other lines. If it was just a line to the sister of Edward IV I would not be so quick to make that statement, but for three generations afterward we find direct descents from Edward I, II and III of England repeatedly. Dorothy Stapleton, wife of Thomas Nelson has more Royal Blood in her than King James I (son of Mary Queen of Scots) who was reigning in England (and Scotland) at the time of her birth in 1608.

Tombstone for Thomas Nelson (1636-1712)

Edward III to The Nelson brothers

NEHGS early discovery Dorothy Stapleton Nelson

Manners Ancestry

Plantagent Roll of The Blood Royal

Closest Royal Descent for Philip and Thomas Nelson